The Cat From Texas Dubbed As New Grumpy Cat
Will shortly be flooding the internet with fame.
Louis, a Six-Year-Old cat from Austin, Texas is currently named the New Grumpy Cat by followers of different social media accounts. Sadly, the Grumpy Cat also known as Tardar Sauce passed away a few weeks back and this got the internet on fire.

However, his immortal legacy lives on and on the brighter side, fans are now consoling themselves with Louis – the new cat which might be taking the throne of the world’s angriest kitty.

Currently, with over 3,000 followers, a lot of the old Grumpy’s fans believe Louis will shortly be flooding the internet with fame in no time.

Reportedly, Louis is a full breed Persian, yet his facial appearance had left fans questioning if he has a genetic disorder.

Reacting, Louis owner revealed that the new dubbed Grumpy cat has an exception with his facial features and very much healthy.

Louis is completely a happy cat, he loves to snuggle, chase lasers, and give head rubs.

“They [people] love his big ‘marble eyes’ that he squints often. Louis is now referred to as the ‘new Grumpy Cat’, but he is actually very sweet, happy and playful. He loves to snuggle and give head rubs, he will chase lasers and play with toys,” the owner acknowledges.

Currently staying with Michelle and Monae (a Lynx Point Siamese), the owner equally admits that Louis bullied Monae when she was still a baby for about two months, adding that Louis has always been described as a human old man.