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These Chickens Are Slaying Tutus The Way You Can Never Imagine


These Chickens Are Slaying Tutus The Way You Can Never Imagine

Ya’ll can’t beat these chicks.

It has been a while since Jokgu the chicken made it to America’s Got Talent and played a patriotic tune on the keyboard. Since then, it seems the flightless birds are getting more attention in talents other than laying eggs. People think a chicken playing a keyboard is all they can do. They were so wrong.

These chickens are wearing tutus and holy, people have never thought they’d actually look GREAT in them. You won’t and surely, these pictures will blow you away with how cute and adorable these chicks look in them!

Whoever thought chickens are dumb are in for some surprising facts; scientists are suggesting that hens are more intelligent than toddlers and have shown the capabilities to store memories better than elephants. While elephants are real sentimental creatures, chickens won’t cry for days when their eggs are taken and will still count the nuts if you train them to.


Chickens are among animals who do simple ensembles of dances in courtship. We call them dances because they commit in a set of movements that do nothing but simply show-off their physical appearances. If you are curious, extension poultry scientists from the University of Georgia actually explains how the dance proceeds.

It begins by “dropping one wing and dancing in a circle (the lowered wing will be on the inside of the circle dance). The hen will crouch (dip her head and body) to indicate receptiveness to the male. The rooster will then mount the hen and grab her comb, neck feathers, or the skin on the back of her head or neck to help hold onto the hen’s back.”


Tidbitting is another thing roosters do which is to make food calls while moving their head up and down, offering food to hens by picking and dropping them. The more tidbits they do, the more hens are likely to approach them, especially if they have light-colored combs to boot.


You probably don’t even realize that there are approximately 25 billion chickens alive. Yes, that’s more than the current human population of 7.7 billion. They were also first domesticated in China about 8,000 years ago. They have also proven to show remarkable intelligence.

Chickens are able to memorize the appearances of 100 people or animals, a better record than elephants. Hens, especially, have shown the ability to do solve simple mathematic equations, self-control and even structural engineering.


So, never again do you dare look down on poultries – they are smart and have willingly let themselves be eaten by us? Maybe it’s them who’s been showing pity on us!

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