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Transform Anything Into A Kitten With This Japanese Cat Mold


Transform Anything Into A Kitten With This Japanese Cat Mold

It can be placed at any spot in the house as an animal-like décor.

There’s nothing the internet cannot teach us, as it can equally improve anything by placing a cat in it. Having a rough day at work? Why not watch some cat videos or perhaps scan through the internet for endless cat-related stories or memes.

Having a stomach ache? Why not cuddle your hairy friend and let it chase the pain away. Feeling uneasy in your own home? Why not permit it to chase a mouse all around the house and give yourself that needed smile and laughter.

Aside all of this and more, how else will your kitty be – most especially when they are cute, awesome, adorable, dork at anything. Specifically, they excel at sleeping. Have you noticed that?

With all these in mind, one company has, however, designed a genius device to transform your life into real feline heaven.

More info: Ash Koncent (h/t: designyoutrust)

Ash Koncent

If you have ever imagined your fluff buddy rolling under the sun, this new tool –The cat-like mold by a Japanese company (Ash Koncent) will definitely touch your heart.

Ash Koncent
Ash Koncent

It transforms anything, from sand to daily objects like food into cute little sleeping cats.

Ash Koncent
Ash Koncent

Accordingly, it can be placed at any spot in the house as an animal-like décor. Be careful however not to mistake it for your real kitty.  

Ash Koncent
Ash Koncent

The artist behind this, Yuka Mori explained she came up with this brilliant idea of spotting cats sleepily rolling around the sidewalk, adding that she wanted to witness the spirit they embody.  

Ash Koncent
Ash Koncent
Ash Koncent

Named ‘Neko up’, the cat sculpture is a cat-shaped structure generated from Bamboo and scallop shell biomass plastic. The term ‘Neko’ is Japanese for cat.

Ash Koncent
Ash Koncent
Ash Koncent

Is the creation not just perfect?

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