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‘Trash Girl’ Nadia Sparkes Bullied With Knife for Supporting The #TrashTagChallenge


‘Trash Girl’ Nadia Sparkes Bullied With Knife for Supporting The #TrashTagChallenge

She is the superhero we need. Nadia Sparkes, the “Trash Girl”, was bullied and had to move to another school.

Whose parents wouldn’t be proud to have a child that is so concerned about the environment and doesn’t give a second thought to help make it a better place? Not even parents themselves always have the capacity to teach their kids such things, but Nadia Sparkes is the kind of spark that we all need in our children. We’re also glad to see that the spirit to keep the environment clean hasn’t dimmed, yet.

However, a 13-year-old girl by the name Nadia Sparkes, suffered from severe bullying after she begins picking up litters during her commute to school. It got to a point where students were assaulting Sparkes and flashed a knife in front of her.

It all began when all she did was picking up trash and putting them in the basket of her bicycle as cycles to school. She likes to go early to make sure she has time to do this and slowly, she gained the nickname ‘Trash Girl’. And let’s be honest, it didn’t sound flattering.

Nadia Sparkes and litter
Paula Sparkes

Her mother, Paula Sparkes, however, was worried with the negative comments her daughter gets from school. She was not praised for her acts nor was the school making sure that other students follow suit. Meanwhile, Nadia remained the diligent ‘Trash Girl’ she is and loved how she felt like a superhero doing good things for her people in Norwich.

Image result for trash girl

She was even the model for an animation based on her story!

But the bullying got worse to the point where she would get punched, thrown things at, sit through the class with orange juice on her and lots of other things. It escalated to the point where a dangerous weapon was flashed at her and her mother thinks it’s time to act and protect this precious little girl.

Hellesdon High School is the place where all these bullying happened. Tom Rolfe, the principal of the school spoke up, “We promote an ethos that reflects high moral standards, a culture of social responsibility and fosters a safe learning environment for all students.”

Meanwhile, the school did not use the chance Nadia Sparkes was written a personal letter of her achievements and given an award for being a leader in an environmental campaign. It was such a shame when they could have used the chance to raise awareness and ensure that Nadia’s time as a student there remains a fun time for her.

“You are sending a positive message that we should all take responsibility for looking after our local environment, and should feel very proud of the difference this is making.”

Great British Spring Clean Points of Light Emily Stevenson, Nadia Sparkes, Rosanne Bostock, Dhruv Boruah and Jason Alexander
Nadia Sparkes with Points of Light litter heroes

Nadia was chosen as 16under16 which is the first ever to feature 16 environmentalist kids below 16 years of age.

Nadia is now enrolled in Reepham High School and she started her first day just two weeks ago. It felt like the place was meant to be as Nadia first met a teacher from the school during an eco-hero award nomination that included both of them. Matt Willer saw potentials and discussed with her if she is interested to come to Reepham.

Mr. Willer is also running an allotment project and saw Nadia as a strong asset. “All the volunteers look forward to working with her as we all set a sound example about respecting the environment and living more sustainably.”

Her first day at school was terrific with a picture of her wearing an eco-friendly uniform posted on Instagram!

Let us hope that Nadia gets the appreciation she deserves in the new school! Show your support by following her Instagram and maybe start with picking up one litter at a time!

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