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Dad Takes Cat To Pet Groomer But Returns With A Cat That Looks Like Accordion


Dad Takes Cat To Pet Groomer But Returns With A Cat That Looks Like Accordion

“I’m so done with today”

There’s practically no human being in this world that hasn’t gotten a kinda-of-weird haircut at some point in life – and interestingly, it occurs to the best of us.

While some haircut can be worse when compared to others – it’s is even more hilarious most especially when your beloved pet appears in a new, yet admirable look. However, the same nightmarish haircut scenario has finally happened with Oliver (Cat).

More info: Twitter | Instagram

Here’s Oliver flaunting his new looks

A cute little kitty became a victim of a bad haircut – and did spread viral on the internet as a result of his appearance.

Twitter User, Caitlin indeed shared the story alongside the pictures of Oliver’s bizarre new looks  


On Friday, a Twitter User named Caitlin indeed shared the story alongside the pictures of Oliver’s bizarre new looks, in which many individuals have compared his looks to that of an accordion.

Caitlin also shared her mom’s text. Her mom was furious and unhappy!

Caitlin also shared her mom’s text along with Oliver’s pictures and captioned it “I’m so done with today”.

Oliver and his new haircut

Oliver was taken to the pet groomer by Caitlin Dad

Oliver’s story quickly, however, went viral online and currently the new Fashionista kitty now has his personal Instagram account.

“My dad told the groomer to cut Oliver like a tiger just to play a prank on Mom” Caitlin said.

Meet the old and new Oliver

And here’s what Twitter Users are saying:


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