Alternative News
Doctors Are Urging Parents To Keep Their Kids’ Baby Teeth
Contact services like Store-A-Tooth to effectively preserve your child’s teeth.
Losing the first tooth is something of the norm for kids across the world. It’s obviously a sign that one is getting taller, bigger and growing up. And If you are like few families, losing a tooth also means a little cash under the pillow by morning – Little cash from the tooth fairy.

If you equally grew up to have kids of your own, you might also have even taken on this time awarded role of the tooth fairy and slipped in some money under your kids’ pillow.

But wait! What do you do to the tooth after it being swapped for a dollar? Some individuals keep them as a sentimental keepsake while many toss them away.

After all, what can a baby tooth do for you?

A study conducted in 2003 has, however, revealed that the baby teeth are a rich source of stem cells that are like protocells. It can later be grown into multiple kinds of cells if desired.

Meaning, if later in life, a child needs a replacement tissue, the stem cells from the baby teeth can be used to grow the needed tissue. Sounds interesting!!

Technically and scientifically, the act of keeping your baby teeth can save lives and cure several ailments. For you to preserve the stem cells, the baby teeth are expected to be kept fresh. Just like anything, stem cells can degrade and lose their potency over time.

You can perhaps, contact services like Store-A-Tooth to effectively preserve your child’s teeth. And to use the Store-A-Tooth Service, you will be needing coordination with your dentist before your child’s teeth pulls out.

In Store-A-Teeth, the stem cells are extracted from the teeth and placed in a liquid nitrogen cryopreservation vault where it can remain usable for years.