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Humans Kiss Their Dogs More Than Their Partners, Survey Reveals


Humans Kiss Their Dogs More Than Their Partners, Survey Reveals

It’s apparent we show dogs so much affection and simply permit them to be our best buddy.

When it comes to unconditional love, Dogs obviously shares in it. With all the loyalty they share with humans, they are indeed the best animal creature in the world. And the least we can do is to continually shower with love as well – Most especially for their efforts in keeping us safe. Almost half of the dog owners in the United State kiss their dogs more than their spouse, a new study has however revealed.

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eva Budzeikaitė

Carried out by Riley’s Organic, the survey revealed that about 52% of dog owners are kissing their pets than their partner.


The survey was carried out Riley’s Organics, as Per The organization wanted to discover how close dog owners are to their pets and after much interaction with residents across the United State, the result displayed how much love and affection is given to their furry friends.

Marija Bernatonytė

The trend equally continued into the respondents’ sleeping habits

Inga Korolkovaitė
Viktorija Gabulaitė

According to the Survey, 52% acknowledged they prefer sleeping in bed with their dogs than their partner

Viktorija Gabulaitė

If you are, however, shocked by the number, Riley’s Organics have an explanation that will clarify the statistics. One major response came from a question about what do human think about the bond they share with their beloved dogs.

Chris Evans

And a not-surprising 94 percent of dog owners said their dog was one of their close friends. It’s apparent we shower dogs so much affection and simply permit them to be our best buddy.


Here’s What People Are Saying About The Results

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