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Mom Celebrates Kids’ First Day Of School By Visiting Disney World Alone


Mom Celebrates Kids’ First Day Of School By Visiting Disney World Alone

The happiest mother on Earth!

A Florida mother is being appreciated on social media for giving herself a treat to Disney World as her two children have gone back to school for the fall.

Lisa DiNoto treated herself to a solo trip to Disney World as her two sons went back to school

Named Lisa DiNoto, the mother of two become an envy of other parents inside Disney’s Magic Kingdom during the trip to the theme park.

Lisa’s sons pose for pictures with the teachers at their elementary school after being dropped off 

She had always visited Disney World with husband and their two young sons, but this particular solo trip was recognized special by Lisa.

The former Attorney, who had equally quit her practice in Maryland in 2016 was seen wearing a large pin that told everyone present why she was around. The round pin reads: “I’m celebrating: Ist Day of School.”

Lisa’s family makes multiple trips to Disney World every year, but this time she went alone 

And on her lifestyle blog, The Castle Run – the happy mom wrote: “This, my friends, is what you do after dropping off your kids on the first day of school. Just get for yourself a pin and walk it around the Magic Kingdom like some garden gnome on world exploration.”

Lisa encountered individuals with their own children at the park, but that didn’t stop them from appreciating her for self-love

Lisa encountered individuals with their own children at the park, but that didn’t stop them from appreciating her for self-love.

“Many people will start stopping you and will tell you that you are a life goal. They’ll most likely be saddled with strollers and lots of fatigue children. Always be grateful. Comfort them and wish them a magical day. Besides, try not to slip away.” Lisa added.

Lisa encountered several of Disney’s most iconic characters like Snow White

Lisa also had an encounter with the Fairy God Mother who was in stitches

While she was walking down a path situated in the park – The Main Steet USA, Lisa saw numerous Disney’s most iconic characters like Snow White and decided to pose for pictures. “They got such a kick out of it that I just kept going again and again,” Lisa told Good Morning America.

“I’m celebrating: Ist Day of School.”

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