Photographer Spice Up Newborn Pics By Adding Of Teeth And It’s Hilarious
Haehl used an Application called the FaceApp.
It is the norm to think that there was practically nothing that can be used to convince adults that babies are not 100% all adorable and cute. Yes! This is however what Amy Haehl of Coffee Creek Studio’s Photos reasoned before generating babies with sets of teeth and currently, we are extremely shocked.
Just recently, Amy Haehl unveiled her screamingly hilarious photos online and it did go viral instantly. And sincerely, you’ve never seen any newborn baby pictures like this.
Haehl’s pictures are regarded as the twist of the normal newborn photos.

And we have to admit, Waterballoon has always questioned what the little babies will look like with teeth. Haehl has, however, come to the rescue with her recent photos.
Haehl admitted she was hoping the photos will put smiles on people’s face.

“I just thought it was so funny. and would be a great way to put a smile on people’s faces — literally.” Haehl explained.
She began by scanning through her newborn photo collection and chose some that would significantly have a great impact.

Using an Application called the FaceApp, Haehl added: “I didn’t do a photoshoot for this, but inspiration struck me.” She took the photos and made some soothing alterations.
The mother of the babies equally reacted and admitted that some people feel Haehl used Photoshop to get the Cheeky Grins of the used babies.
Some of them were Wickedly funny

Shared on Haehl Coffee’s Creek Studios Facebook Page, the post has garnered more than 24,000 times and shared more than 42,000 times since July 17.

“ I have struck a chord because my images are quite different from how babies are supposed to look,” Haehl added.