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Schools Are Removing Analogue Clocks As It Becomes Unreadable By Students


Schools Are Removing Analogue Clocks As It Becomes Unreadable By Students

Students are no longer living in an analog era.

Let ask you a question?

While growing up, what exactly did you remember about your school?

Certainly, everyone answer will vary widely, more especially as it is determined by the place and where the school was then located.  But nevertheless, there’s one of the hallmarks that has apparently become outdated for today’s kids.

Analogue is getting outdated.

Unsplash | chuttersnap

This term that Analogue clocks are now getting outdated was a consensus reached by some schools in the United Kingdom. Almost all analog clocks have been wrapped out as students and teachers now heavily depend on digital clocks.

Today’s students are used to digital.

Wikimedia Commons

“The current generations aren’t as good at reading the traditional clock face as older generations, Malcolm Trobe, the U.K school official explained.

Officials are equally adapting to the recent development.

Do you remember learning the ‘Time’?

Flickr | painterlegends

Digital clocks now basically tell you the time, but reading an analog clock is quite standard for many school kids. I recall reading the analog clock while in my grade two.

Well, students are no longer living in an analogue era.

Unsplash | Sonja Langford

True be told, analog clocks are appealing and very functional, but it takes an extra second to tell the time on one and now in practical terms, many of us now majorly rely on clocks that tell the time digitally.

For most children, the analog time unit teaches kids to tell the time, but as they grow up, they rely back on digital clocks.

Sincerely, digital are more precise.


And teachers will be on board

Flickr | dorseygrist

While students will be active

Unsplash | Jerry Wang

The world is, however, increasingly digital

Unsplash | Chris Adamus

Kids would definitely plug in

Unsplash | Plush Design Studio

Analogue is gone for good.

Unsplash | Thought Catalog

Accordingly, Trobe said exam halls are going to witness analog being phased out to favor digital. He also explained that the students need to be able to tell the time when an exam is going on, adding that the digital clock is more familiar and understandable.

What are your thoughts?

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