Beagle Scheduled For Euthanasia Gave Warm Hugs To The Man Who Saved Him
He took him in and treated him.
As humans continue to expand their civilization, the impact would be destroyed natural habitat because humans cannot live side by side with them. At the very least, however, most humans can tolerate and love dogs and cats.
Even so, a surprising number of 2.7 million out of 7.6 million cats and dogs are euthanized in animal shelters from contagious diseases, terminal illness, and most concerningly, overcrowding. One such dog which was otherwise adorable and sweet was scheduled to be put down. And he lives to tell (or more exactly, bark) about the story.
Meet sweet Gregory and caring Joe. Gregory is on the left.

Two-year-old Gregory the Beagle was a sweet boy but unfortunately, was scheduled to be put down when Joe and his wife Schenley Hutson-Kirk found him. Joe and wife are co-founders of Hound Rescue and Sanctuary, an NGO that focuses on providing a permanent shelter for “unadoptable and senior” canines while helping other strays.
Gregory was first taken into Franklin County Dog Shelter on April 25, 2018.
They also strive to rescue dogs from “high risk and kill shelters” and Gregory was one among such unfortunate dogs.
Gregory showed his love for Joe and seemed to have understood how precarious the situation was to him.

In a post from one year ago, Joe detailed on his condition and also the reason why young Gregory was quickly on the list to be put down.
“Gregory is one thankful and appreciative Beagle! He KNOWS he is SAFE! He is Heartworm Positive and will be going through treatment, but he knows he is in good hands! We will get him healthy and provide him all the love he so deserves and a wonderful future!!”
“We generally house and care for 25 to 30 dogs at a time, consisting of dogs that are available for adoption as well as sanctuary dogs that will live out their lives being loved and cared for by us,” Joe added.
Gregory was then treated for his heartworm disease.

Heartworm disease can be fatal in animals such as cats and dogs. Dogs are more prone to severe and even lethal damages caused by heartworm, which lives in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels. The parasitic worms can make serious damages to the lung, other organs, and even heart failure.
Prolonged exposure can cause irreversible damages which will affect the dog even long after the worm is gone.
Gregory was treated until he was fully well and the journey began to find him a forever home.

Very quickly, the sweet Beagle found his forever home!
“He now has a wonderful family that loves him very much and he is enjoying a very happy life. Gregory’s family also has another Beagle and he and Gregory have become best pals.”
“We are often asked how many dogs we have saved.”

“The answer that always comes to mind is, “we have saved one more”. One more dog is safe and will have all of the love and respect that they are so deserving of. One more dog will be properly fed and receive needed veterinary care. One more dog will have a loving forever home. There is no better feeling and nothing in life that is more fulfilling,” the pair of dog heroes explained.
“He is very loving, very affectionate.”

Throughout the way when Gregory was driven to his temporary home, he showed a loving attitude by constantly trying to cuddle up to Joe. “He loves to be next to you. He loves to give kisses.”
Now everyone hails Joe as the Hero to Gregory the adorable Beagle

Are you a dog person? Or are you in need of something sweet to make your day beautiful? Here are some pictures of adorable dogs that will surely make your day!