Mom Breaks Marathon Record While Pushing Her 3 Kids In A Stroller
Cynthia ran 17 miles with a triple stroller and broke a marathon record in 2018.
If you have participated in a long/foot race, you definitely are aware that the training process can be very intense. A walk for a positive cause a can take out a lot from a person and being in shaping as well as keeping one’s head in a game is very crucial for victory.

For many racers, putting the head in a game, however, requires adequate training time with a partner or with self.

Amazingly, a woman has carried out the imaginable again. She ran in a race with her three young kids.

Named Cynthia Lauren Arnold, she ran a full marathon while she pushes her three children in a stroller.

“Running with the stroller has so many benefits for running parents. Those of us who run know how much it is a part of our identity. You can’t just give that up if you become a parent. The stroller gives one the freedom to carry on a lifestyle with new ones in tow.” Cynthia explained.
In July 2018, the mother of three had broken a record for running a half marathon with a triple stroller.

Awesome! Excited about beating her personal best, Cynthia ran 17 miles with a triple stroller and broke a marathon record.

However, running a race with other competitors is no joke. It entails dedication, months and years of training to get the body fit.

With Strength and endurance in action, full marathon runners or even 5k runners take their desire seriously.

Cynthia, the 35-year-old long-time runner had been running track since high school and when she became a mother, she decided to bring her children along in a stroller.

It was undoubtedly a perfect means of achieving her passion for running.