People Share Hilarious Pics Of Their Irish Wolfhounds And They Are Crazily Large
So huge and fluffy!
The biggest breed of the American Kennel Club is the Irish Wolfhound who does live up to the terrifying name in terms of appearance. These old breeds can be dated back to 391 AD when they were mainly used as hunting dogs. Gaels, natives of European land, calls them Cú Faol or wolfhounds.
And today, they are large breed dogs who simply have more love inside them because of their size. These tall dogs intimidate people from appearance, but they are actually affectionate and loves a lot of cuddles. World Canine Federation states the standard height of this breed between 32 inches (81cm) to 34 inches (86cm).
Enjoy the outpouring these dogs can show to their humans!
1. 8-month-old Murphy then. He’s now 4 years old and weighs 165 lbs.

2. Irish Wolfhound sitting on grandma’s lap.

3. Big Ron and Ern.

4. These hunting dogs looking so meek and sad.

5. Lincoln can’t become a couch dog, so daughter improvised.

6. That one dog that photobombed the picture.

7. Beautiful girl and handsome boy.

8. Boy could wear human-size pants just nice.

9. Well, they still work as lap dogs.

10. Gilligan with 100-year-old Mariette on her birthday.

11. Just look at this adorable beauty!

12. ‘Coming, a plate of patable dog head.’

13. They are the ‘Backstreet Boys’ of the town.

14. Kitty knows the best spot.

15. Grandma has fluffy and cuddly hounds who needs snacc this Thanksgiving.

16. Sloane is so excited.

17. Dad: This dog is so annoyingly huge.
Also dad:

18. Amber is 5ft and got herself a good boyfriend.

19. Sweet Floki ready to lounge by the fireplace this winter.

20. Guinness who passed away at 9-year-old. RIP beautiful, handsome boy.

21. Whenever you feel like someone’s staring at you, remember: it could be your Wolfhound waiting for a treat.

22. Excited boys on a walk.

23. He knows the kitchen is where the magic happens.

24. The kind of roommates who like to take some goofy pictures.

25. When even dogs approve you as couch dog in a different sense.

26. This is Fezzik and he’s chilling.

27. Wolfhound excited to try ice cream for his human.

28. One funky chihuahua and buffy wolfhound.

29. Jarvis doing his guarding job.

30. They give the best kisses as well!

31. I thought wolfhounds were huge.

32. They also love to take naps with you.

33. And this is Winnie who has such a boopable nose!

34. There is a pizza behind this camera.

35. These two adorable curious chubbs.

36. Chester is almost one-year-old and loves to be a curious hound.

37. Stanley is who is 38 inches at the shoulder and weighs 223 pounds.

38. Auntie Terri with a lap dog.

And we have even more adorable dog pictures to show you!