Raccoon Caught Inside High School Vending Machine Prowling Among Snacks
Rescued by animal control four hours later.
This raccoon was obviously trying to get some free snack out of the vending machine when it got trapped in the machine on Wednesday at a high school in Florida. The animal control unit had to be called upon to rescue the trapped raccoon.
The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office stated that this pitiable raccoon was caught red-handed while burgling the vending machine at the Pine Ridge High School.

The report from the Sheriff’s Spokesman, Andrew Gant revealed that the raccoon would have probably made its way to the vending machine through the bottom door.
Gant also noted that several students, as well as the Sheriff’s deputy who was already on the school campus, sighted the trapped raccoon in the vending machine before the Sheriff’s deputy invited the animal control team.

Laura Willam, a spokeswoman also revealed that the raccoon which he tagged the Wacky Guy was trapped in the vending machine for about four hours. And all efforts at freeing this guy proved abortive until staff from the company in charge of the vending machine came over to open up the machine. Both Gant and the spokeswoman William could not confirm if the raccoon ate any of the snacks or not.
But for a raccoon that was sneaking into a vending machine for some snacks to be trapped in the same machine with the snacks for about four hours, we would be guessing right to say it would have eaten up or even tasted some of the snacks while trapped in there. So when you go to a vending machine, look out, there might just be a raccoon trapped in there.