Company Makes T-Shirts That Intentionally Portray Men The Way Society Portrays Women
“Just a little reminder to smile, boys!”
Have you ever imagined a world where stereotypes and gender roles are flipped in a bid for men to see the world through the eyes of a woman’s life journey?

In such a world, women are archaeologically the dominant gender, taking major roles in exploration, art, and science, while men will largely be assigned with raising children, and domestic duties.

And such a world has been created by Facebook and Twitter account ‘Man Who Has It All’. The account cleverly expresses the ridiculousness of discourse surrounding gender expectations by switching the sexes.

“Just a little reminder to smile, boys! Because women like to see positive men. A smile costs nothing.” A description reads.

Supercilious, isn’t it? These are, however, the kinds of remarks every woman wants to be subjected to all time. Nevertheless, the page indeed revealed some of the human outdated attitudes.

Currently, with over 400k followers, the Facebook page explains itself as a Satirical page that reveals the absurdity of the patriarchy by switching the tables.

It highlighted the stereotypes, sexism and the biased experience faced by women and imagined a world where men are treated the way society treats women.

Business owner Tania, is, however, a major fan of the Man Who Has It All. She found herself perfectly relatable to the situations in the posts.

The idea behind the parody witnessed a ‘Working Dad’ who has taken matters beyond social media to involving T-Shirts and a Book called ‘From Frazzled to Fabulous: How to Juggle A Successful Career, Fatherhood, ‘Me-Time’ and Looking Good.’
Here are some examples of the man who has it all at work