All posts tagged "social"
30 Times People Are Infuriated By Annoying ‘Choosing Beggars’ In Real-Life
July 26, 2019Why can some people be so shameless?
Woman Loves Ordering From Amazon So Much That Her Husband Gifted Her A Big Amazon Package Shaped Birthday Cake
July 26, 2019It was baked by the very talented team at the Sweet Dreams Bakery in Dunn.
Good News
Toddler And Footballer Without Forearm Bond In Heartwarming Picture
July 25, 2019The two then shared a special bond.
Keanu Reeves Surprises His Fan As He Leaves Message On Fan’s ‘You’re Breathtaking’ Yard Sign
July 25, 2019Stacey, You’re Breathtaking’ alongside with a signature.’
Alternative News
Heatwave Leaves Woman With Adidas Branded On Her Leg
July 25, 2019Adidas should pay her for the free advertisement.
Alternative News
Woman Who Dated Statue Of Liberty Is Settling Down With A Chandelier
July 25, 2019The live-action version of Beauty and The Beast ignited Amanda’s recent romance.
Instagram Influencers forced To ‘Get Real Jobs’ After The ‘Like Count’ Was Removed
July 23, 2019Instagram finally did it – it’s making celebgrams considering the option to do real works in...
Alternative News
Guy Trolls Megan Rapinoe On Twitter, Fans Defend Her With 16 Replies
July 19, 2019Megan is however not concerned about how she’s been perceived.
The World’s Largest Blow-Up Unicorn Is Coming To Australia And Here’s How To Float On It
July 17, 2019The unicorn is incredibly ready to be used for an Instagram group snapshot.
Indian Man Hasn’t Washed His Six-Foot Dreadlocks In 40 Years Calls Them A ‘Blessing From God’
July 17, 2019His neighbors named him ‘Mahatma Ji’ as a mean of respect for his holy appearance.
Hotel Owner’s Response To A Influencer Who Expects A Free 5-Night Stay For Exposure, Goes Viral
July 16, 2019Angry Hotel Owner’s Response Influencer Free Accommodation Went Viral
30 Women Shares “Pics I Take Of My Boyfriend Vs Pics He Took Of Me” Comparisons
July 13, 2019Some boyfriends wait to capture their girlfriends at her awkward moment.
Children In Vietnam Travel Inside Plastic Bags Across Swift-Current River To Go To School
July 12, 2019They had no choice.
The Beloved Corgi Dog Who Plays ‘Cheddar’ On Brooklyn Nine-Nine Passed Away At 13
July 12, 2019Cheddar is survived by his sister, Stella.
Hospital Shows People Difference Between Urgent And Emergency Care In Pleasant Ads
July 12, 2019If it’s a weekend, and you can’t just wait for an appointment! Are you sure of...