5 Behaviors Reveal That Someone Is Mentally Strong
August 24, 2019
A Woman Did Something Very Sweet For A Stranger Crying In The Loo
August 24, 2019There’s no arguing over the great etiquette women have in public toilets and one woman just...
19 Wholesome Pictures That Can Melt Even The Coldest Heart
August 22, 2019They were made of pure love with a hint of playfulness.
21 Things That Have Been Very Well-Taken Cared Of And Became History
August 21, 2019How do grandparents do that?
Family Mistakenly Texts Baby News To Strangers, They Pay Them A Visit And Bring Gifts For The Baby
August 16, 2019It’s heartwarming and also funny!
A Stranger Paid $375 To Help A Woman Who Didn’t Know It Was Ludacris
August 15, 2019It was Ludacris who went on to ask her about her job and how she was...
Mom Celebrates Kids’ First Day Of School By Visiting Disney World Alone
August 14, 2019The happiest mother on Earth!
Penguins Are Now Given Hand Knitted Jumpers To Protect Them From Cold
August 12, 2019A Victorian penguin foundation has called on volunteers to knit sweaters to aid penguin recovery.
Best Friend Went The Extra Mile To Make The Proposal Special And Now He’s Gone Viral
August 10, 2019He's gone viral and ready to take up the job now!
Aircraft Cleaner Becomes Captain After 24 Years Of Hard Work
August 9, 2019Hard-work pays off. Old but gold.
Little Koala Joey Is Fitted With A Tiny Cast For Its Broken Arm And Paired With His Mother
August 5, 2019Was fed through a syringe with marsupial replacement milk.
Meet Salvador Dolly, The Attractive Puppy With A Handlebar Mustache
August 3, 2019Within 1 week the family of 12 got moved out of the shelter.
Ethiopia Breaks World Record For Planting 350 Million Trees In 12 Hours
August 1, 2019Aims to plant about 4 billion trees in 2019.